Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Was A True American - 1215 Words

â€Å"Mom, why is she so dark like fillipino if she’s korean like me?†, â€Å"I thought asians were suppose to be smart†, â€Å"Since your last name is Kim are you related to Kim Jong Un?†. These were some of the comments I’ve heard growing up in, my whole life. Not just from America where people see me not as a true American but also from Korea, where there is no ethnicity difference. Growing up, I learned to understand it was because I looked different and racism is a concept that is inevitable, but the summer of seventh grade I visited Korea, it changed everything. It had been a while since I last visited Korea, I had been so young I could not remember anything. But when I went that summer when I was older, I was shocked. In a land where I thought I belonged to with my race, was doing the opposite of what I had to learn to overcome in America. In a place where I thought I looked the same still had reasons to accept me. Even though I was the same race as the people there, I still wasn’t good enough. My skin was to dark, I was too big, my face was too round, and I didn’t look ‘asian’. Racism had been consistently plaguing by my side since the beginning. I realized still a bit surprise and a tad offended, but I thought, I’m not living here in Korea anyways so why worry? And then, in the end of August my parents told me we were moving to Korea on the 30th of August. I had finally adjusted myself, and gotten everything back in place after my injury, and now I was moving. Like a houseShow MoreRelatedI Have A Dream By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.1102 Words   |  5 Pagesof America yet as African Americans we have been unable to embrace this concept without severe punishment. From being sprayed with high powered water hoses to being brutally beaten by those that are supposed to protect and serve. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Prevention Of Hiv And Aids - 927 Words

HIV and AIDS have been on the rise in Alabama in the last 10 years. It amazes me that people do not take HIV and Aids more seriously. The reason I chose this topic was because I think we can do more to educate people on the effects of HIV and Aids. I came across a couple of interesting situations that I read about on social media. One thing was how easy people forget that they have a moral compass once they have contracted HIV and Aids. Then they think there life is over and proceed to try to get back at people by just sleeping with anybody they can find. Being mad at the world and not taking responsibility for their actions is what caught my attention and is why I chose this subject. In my paper I will be talking about the percentage of people in Alabama with HIV or Aids. The ways you can contract those diseases. How to treat the disease and where you can go to get tested. Which counties that have the most people that are infected. How the antidote is coming along for the treatment for HIV and or Aids. Why people choose not to get tested for HIV and or Aids. What precautions to take so you can prevent getting the diseases. Most people in today’s society do not know the difference between HIV and Aids. HIV stands for Human immunodeficiency virus. Aids stands for Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. My current profession consists of possible interaction with HIV and AIDS patients. In my experience you cannot really tell by just looking at someone if they have the disease. ItShow MoreRelatedPrevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay1641 Words   |  7 Pagesindividuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS involve several factors as it relates to a chronic disease. According to Auslander Freedenthal in Gehlert Browne (2012), HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that once diagnosed, requires adherence to complex and challenging treatment regimens. Prevention of this disease requires changes in behavior that would lead to the reduction of less risky sexual behaviors. Harm reduction is a particular treatment approach that is used with HIV/AIDS individuals. As stated byRead MorePrevention Of Hiv / Aids1973 Words   |  8 Pages Prevention of HIV/Aids in Thailand Abstract This paper looks at increases in the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Thailand in the early 1990 s and the action taken to address this health issue. As a solution, the National AIDS committee of Thailand took an initiative to form the 100 Percent Condom Program. This program not only made condom use a requirement but also promoted health education in regard to HIV/AIDS. One of the major sources of the spread of HIV in Thailand was the increase of the diseaseRead MoreThe Prevention Of Hiv / Aids1772 Words   |  8 Pagesmany blood borne viruses, which produce financial penalties and which can differ in their consequence depending on locality (Bell, Selby, McMickens, 2011). 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It was always talked about as a gay man’s diseaseRead MoreThe Prevention Of Hiv / Aids1591 Words   |  7 Pagesthese deadly diseases among Africans, the proposal should be made. Not only should this idea resolve the spread of diseases in Africa, but also stop them from spreading to places outside of these infected countries. Diseases such as Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and Syphilis are common in many Sub-Saharan Africa and other impoverished African countries. They spread amongst humans so easily, keeping the non-infected people away from the infected is important to prevent an increase in cases. WhileRead MoreAids Prevention And Testing Of Hiv / Aids1205 Words   |  5 PagesLaMaack Mrs. Reaves Advanced Writing 8 October, 2015 AIDS Prevention and Testing â€Å"More than 1.2 million americans are living with HIV, including 156,300 who don’t realize it† (Kaplan). The HIV/AIDS epidemic hit a peak in the 2000’s. These diseases attack the immune system making them incapable of fighting off diseases. Specifically, HIV,human immunodeficiency virus, attacks the immune system, weakening it, and slowly making it produce more HIV-cells. AIDS,acquired immune deficiency syndrome, then takesRead MoreThe Prevention Of Hiv / Aids Essay984 Words   |  4 Pagesblessed to have health professional that were able to discover HIV/AIDS and the causes of Kaposi s Sarcoma and Pneumocystis pneumonia of homosexual men in July 1981, following the report of these cases of PCP and cases of other rare life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers in America we began to recognize the importance of being aware of HIV/AIDS (Altman). Maybe not need These articles outlined major events in the AIDS epidemic. The thing that stood out to me is the information onRead MorePrevention of Spread of Hiv/Aids1798 Words   |  8 Pagesmain ways the HIV can be spread: 1. Sexual intercourse 2. Intravenous drugs 3. Blood transfusions (which are very rare now because all blood is tested) HIV is spreading like wild fire among adolescents because they dont believe it can happen to them. Prevention for positives is only possible if a person knows his or her HIV status. Voluntary counseling and testing strategies (VCT), a cornerstone of HIV prevention, has generally been seen as a first defense against the spread of HIV disease, withRead MorePrevention Of The Spread Of Hiv / Aids Essay3367 Words   |  14 PagesThe objective of this paper is aimed at investigating interventions for the control of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the United States, comparing both the rural and urban areas. According to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services â€Å"an intervention is a combination of program elements or strategies designed to produce behavior changes or improve health status among individuals or an entire population† Interventions may include educational programs, new or stronger policies, improvementsRead MoreCommunication Methods For Hiv / Aids Prevention1336 Words   |  6 PagesIn Botswana, the government pushes the â€Å"ABC strategy† (Ntsean e, p. 17) for HIV/AIDS prevention. â€Å"ABC† stands for abstain from sex, be faithful, or always use condoms. The government tried to get Africans to follow through with one of these three choices. These communication methods reduce HIV/AIDS infection rates since it informs the citizens of the issues and on how to prevent infection. However, sex workers will disregard this information because they have no other choice. The government also tried

Friday, December 13, 2019

Capitalism Vs Socialism Free Essays

Capitalism’s central idea is that the marketplace decides what will be made and sold. In Capitalism the government exists to protect individual rights. Capitalism fir SST emerged in the 16th century; Capitalism in Europe was preceded by feudalism. We will write a custom essay sample on Capitalism Vs Socialism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Capitalism ca n be tracked back all the way to Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Then it began to devil pop into a more modern version during the Early Modern Period in countries in northwestern Europe, like the Netherlands and Europe. The founder of Capitalism was Adam Smith; he creak Ted Capitalism around the 18th century. Socialism is an economic system in which the government owns and controls manufacturing, and is also responsible for planning the economy. Socialism w as created in the early 1 8th century by Karl Marx. Socialism was created in an attempt to eliminate ate the differences Hernandez 2 between the rich and the poor. If you are a socialist you are not allowed to owe n anything not even a house! Socialism is the concept that individuals should not have ownership of land, money, or industries. But the whole whole community collectively owns and controls pro Perry, goods, and production. In the other hand under Capitalism, individuals own and control I ND, money, and even production of industries. The individuals are even free to own homes an d cars. Capitalist also have the freedom to live where ever they want Socialism was emerged to eliminate the rich and the poor. But Capitalism me urged because of the problems in the feudal society and because of the industrial re volition government started to change. Personally I like capitalism more because of all the freedom people have and I believe that it is unfair that if someone works more or less t hen someone else they get paid the same and that is basically what socialism is. How to cite Capitalism Vs Socialism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Economics of Contract Law

Question 1: If a contract is silent as to the sum to be paid by the employer to the contractor for the works, the law implies into the contract an obligation on the employer to pay a reasonable price for the works carried out. Drawing on examples from standard form contracts, highlight how express terms have been used to give effect to and/or modify the assessment of the reasonable price the law would, in the absence of express terms as to the sum payable, require the employer to pay. Question 2: It was in the nineteenth century first and foremost that a philosophy of freedom of contract was established. Embedded in this philosophy was not only the freedom to enter into and negotiate the terms of contract, but also the right of the parties to determine the levels of compensation payable in the event of a breach'. Evaluate the extent to which this approach is, today, reflected in the ability of a party to impose penalties on the other party in the event of a breach of contract. Question 3: Ethel, a property developer, decided to build a house (the house) for herself and her family. She wanted the house to be modern in design and built largely of reinforced concrete and glass. She also wanted the house to provide a place in which she could display her valuable collection of paintings throughout. The Dominant Cause Partnership (DCP) is a leading firm of architects that specialise in the construction of such dwellings. At a meeting with Ahmed, a senior partner in DCP, Ethel described the nature of her painting collection. She explained that her paintings would be damaged by sunlight and that, if she were to go ahead with the project, it was vitally important to her that the glass walls of the house should protect the paintings from sunlight. Ahmed assured her that modern glass-making technology would offer her paintings the protection needed. Ethel then entered into a contract with DCP for the design of the house. DCP produced a design, detailed drawings and technical specifications for the house. DCPs involvement in the project ended at that point and Ethel paid DCPs bill. She then took over the management of the construction of the house herself. Ethel ordered materials and engaged a building company, which constructed the house. Both the construction of the house and the materials ordered were in strict compliance with DCPs drawings and specifications. Once the glass had been fitted Ethel soon discovered that it possessed none of the light-protecting qualities required. Upon investigation, it was discovered that whilst the glass conformed to the specification ordered by Ethel and specified by DCP, DCPs specification for the glass was incorrect. It is estimated that the cost of replacing the glass will increase the building cost of the house from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000. The value of Ethels paintings is estimated at 750,000. 1.Advise Ethel on any claims that she may have against DCP in breach of contract. 2. Advise Ethel on the damages she may recover if she is successful; include in your advice the principles the court will use when deciding whether to award substantial damages in respect of breach of contract. Answers: 1: Contract means a lawfully enforceable agreement between at least two parties based upon some terms and conditions depending upon which the parties to the contract performs their obligation as to each other in relation to the terms of the contract (Meyer, 2010). The validity of a contract depends upon its essentials, these are mandatory for the purpose of constructing a valid legal contract. The essentials of a contract are as follows: 1. The parties to the contract must have attained the age of maturity at the time of entering into the contract.2. The free consent of the parties to the contract is mandatory for the purpose of forming a valid contract.3. The parties to the contract must be of sound mind and they are enough capable for understanding the terms and conditions as well as the consequences of the contract.4. The subject matter of the contract must not be illegal in nature and any terms or conditions of the contract must not contravene any provision of any law in force (Suez environment awarded contract in UAE, 2008).5. Another most important essential factor of a valid contract is consideration, without consideration no valid contract can be formed (Frey and Frey, 2001).Here, in the mentioned circumstances the sum which is to be paid by the employer to the contractor is not given but the obligation from the part of the contractor is implicated in an implied manner. But according to the provisions of the law of contracts in United Arab Emirates, any contract without consideration of either party is void and shall not have any legal enforceability as well as the binding force of law (Fattal and Schutz, 2008). Consideration is what a party to the contract receives in against of performing his part of obligation in the course of the contract. The consideration of a contract may be or may not be calculated in the economic form or any other kind. Consideration is a promise to do anything or to abstain from doing anything, which may or may not have any financial relation (Elliott and Quinn, 2007). For example if A and B enters into a contract and A says to be if B gives his pen to A, he will never talk to Bs wife C anymore. Here, As consideration is the pencil and Bs consideration is the promise made by A that he will never talk to Bs wife C. So it is not necessary that the consideration of a contract must be financial in nature, rather it is a promise to perform any particular act which may be in relation to the economic factor or may not. Without consideration if any contract is formed then that will be a void contract and if the consideration from either party is not mentioned properly then it would be difficult to determine the part of consideration in enforceability of the contract (Richards, 2006). In the famous case of Browning Vs Johnson, the Ld Court has observed that the forbearance of a lawful right of either party to the contract is a valid consideration for the other party of the contract subject to the consent of the parties. The court also held that a promise to surrender a lawful right from the part of either of the parties to the contract is a valid consideration for the other party to the contract. Subsequently, consideration need not to be adequate or parallel to the comparative value, but it is sufficient that either of the party to the contract made promise to do anything or abstain from doing anything against the performance of the other party in the course of the contract (Hillman, 1997).According to the Article 267 of the United Arab Emirates Civil Code independent annihilation of a contract cannot have any legal effect in the United Arab Emirates, however the observation of the Courts in United Arab Emirates demonstrate that the employer in construction cases be able to be permitted to unilaterally conclude a contract, subject to some exceptions. In a current Appeal judgment in a court with competent jurisdiction, it was observed that the grounds behind this exemption are that muqawala type of contracts often takes an extended period of time to conclude and situation may transform in the period connecting formation of contract and completion of the work of the contract. This exemption has its pedigree in Egyptian law (Bechor, 2007). In this case, the court observed that when a chief contractor provides notice of annihilation to the subcontractor, the contract of muqawala terminates and the chief contractor have to pay compensation the subcontractor for the expenditures incurred, any work previously performed and defeat of profit which is expected by the subcontractor to earn by taking responsibilities of the work (Company, 2015). The main reason behind the concept of reasonable price is that no one should be deprived of what he is entitled. If any party to the contract performs his part of obligation then he is entitled to get his consideration, in the mentioned circumstances in the question, the actual amount of consideration was not mentioned but there was something which could have been taken in account as consideration though it was not specific for that purpose the principal of reasonable price applies. In the case of Baird Textile Holdings Ltd v MS plc, it was observed by the Ld. Court that if the price is uncertain the terms of the contract then the either of the party give terminate the contract by serving a notice of termination but if either of the party has already performed his obligation then the other party have to perform his part of duty in the course of the contract, if it is uncertain then the principal of reasonable price may be applied (McKendrick, 2007). In the case of Scammell and Nephew Ltd v Ouston, it was held by the Ld. Court that if the actual quantity of consideration is not mentioned in the terms of the contract then it is not possible for the courts to determine the actual reasonable price in relation to the consideration as it depends upon various factors like market, conditions, quality of work and most importantly the kind of performance, whether it is performed in accordance with the terms of the contract or not (Christ water technology subsidiary awarded UAE contract, 2007). 2: In this regard it should be mentioned that in case of a breach of contract penalty was the only remedy in the nineteenth century, but in present scenario this concept has changed a lot. Nowadays, in case of a breach of contract by either party to the contract there are three possible way in relation to the remedy. These are, (i) Compensation or damages, (ii) Specific performance, and (iii) Injunction. As per the information provided in the context of the question a party to the contract was not only empowered to negotiate the terms of the contract but also impose penalties upon the other party in case of a breach of contract (Knight and Satchell, 2007). The level of penalty was also determined by the aggrieved party of the contract. But in present legal scenario things changed to a very far extend, now any person may enter into a valid contract subject to the competency of the person, may also negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract but if there is any breach of contract t hen the for the purpose of complying appropriate remedy the aggrieved party have to approach to the court of law with competent jurisdiction (Carter, 2012). Only the court of law has the power to impose penalty upon the other party to the contract or to give decree in favor of any other form of remedy which is available in the course of such breach of contract. Whether there is any scope for imposing penalty or not that also is determined by the concern court with competent jurisdiction. These issues are generally decided by the court depending upon various factors in accordance with the terms of the contract as well as the law of contract of the country. For example, if in case of breach of contract, where chances of specific performance is more possible than imposing penalty, then the court of law with competent jurisdiction may give a decree in favor of specific performance of the contract but if there is no scope for specific performance or if it is done it would not serve the l oss of the aggrieved party then the court may impose penalty upon the defendant. Here the aggrieved party is not authorized to take any action in relation to imposing penalty by himself; the court of law will award it, if the court thinks fit and proper. For illustration, A and B entered into a contract, where A has paid a sum of money to B and B was obliged to construct a building in the adjacent land of the house of A but B has not constructed the building, here the scope of specific performance is very much available, so B may be compelled to perform his duty unless he have to pay compensation along with the sum of money received in this regard, to A. From the nineteenth century till today, the concept of penalties in case of breach of contract has changed a lot. Now the term penalty has became more adequate in the legal field in the name of damages. The process of determining the penalty is also changed as per the development of the legal surroundings. Damages are determined by two forms which are; liquidated damages and un-liquidated damages. Liquidated damages is a form of damages where the actual loss suffered by the aggrieved party because of the breach of contract can be calculated and depending upon which penalty can be imposed, for example A and B entered into a contract, where A gave a sum of 1000 $ to B and asked to construct a building adjacent to the house of A, and also promised to pay the balance amount of money which is 1500$ after completing the construction, but after the construction has been complete, A refuses to pay the balance amount of money to B, here the loss suffered by B is specific and can be easily cal culated, so it falls within the within the purview of the concept of liquidated damages. But if in the same case the amount of money was not specified and the cost of construction made by B, was not recorded then it would not be possible for the court to determine the actual amount of loss suffered by B in this regard, so the court may impose a lump sum amount of damages in favor of B, this will fall under the concept un-liquidated damages as it was not able to calculate the actual amount of loss suffered by the aggrieved party (Cohen and McKendrick, 2005). In a famous English case ofHillas Co Ltd v Arcos Ltd, the house of lord observed that in breach of contract if the specification of the kind of breach and loss suffered by the aggrieved party is sufficient then the court of law may grant compensation upon the defendant in a specific way and the amount of compensation would be very much adequate in accordance with the breach as well as the terms and conditions of the contract. In the case of Carlton Communications and Granada Media plc v The Football League, the court of law with competent jurisdiction held that compensation is a right of the aggrieved party in case of a breach in course of a contract but if there is sufficient and justified ground of such breach of contract from the part of the defendant of suit then the amount of compensation may be waived and if it breach happened due to any natural disaster then neither of the parties to the contract shall be liable for any sought of penalty. In the case of Hadley v Baxendale, the court of law held that the aggrieved party to a breach of contract is entitled to get back the losses suffered due to the breach but any loss of anticipated income or gain is not permissible to be reimbursed from the defendant due to the breach of contract and the amount of damages shall be calculated depending upon the actual loss suffered by the aggrieved party (Grundmann, 2007). In the present legal scenario, the right of the aggrieved party has been changed to some extend especially as to rights in case of a breach of contract. Previously in the nineteenth century the parties to the contract has the right not only to enter into the contract and negotiate the terms of the contract but also to determine the level of compensation in case of the breach of contract (Fattal and Schutz, 2008). But in present legal scenario things have been changed, the court of law with competent jurisdiction has the authority to determine the level of compensation in case of a breach of contract (Beale and Tallon, 2002). Not only that whether there is any scope for the imposition of penalty is available or not or any other form of remedy is available to the aggrieved party or not, shall also determined by the court of law with competent jurisdiction. If the court of law things fit and proper then only the decree relating to the compensation shall be given and the form of damages shall also be determined by the court of law by applying its discretionary power (Fitzpatrick, 2004). In present society the scope of contract law has been noticeably increased in comparison to the nineteenth century, many cases are disposed depending upon the discretion of the court of law as every case is different every aspect is dissimilar and the region of contract law has been tremendously improved. In the case of Victoria Laundry (Windsor) Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd, the house of lord held that in case of a breach of contract the parties to the contract are at a liberty to solve the dispute by way of negotiating the terms of the contract or any other form of alternative dispute resolution but neither of the party has the right to impose the level of compensation upon the other party of the contract, if it does then it will not bear the binding force of law, for that purpose the aggrieved party have to approach the court of law with competent jurisdiction (Geest, 2011). From the above discussion it can be concluded that since the period of nineteenth century there has been a lot of changes arrived in scope of contract law. Many great judgments have been given by the court of law with competent jurisdiction and many great doctrines have been also evolved in relation to the concept of contract law and various contractual aspects. In spite of these alteration and changes the basic structure of the contract law remains the same as it was it the earlier period of time (Beale, 2010). In future it is very much possible that a lot more changes to the concept of agreements and contracts is going to be changed but the fundamental requirements and structure of the law of contract would be similar to that of it is in present (Stone and Cunnington, 2007). 3 (a): Under the mentioned circumstances, Ethel has the right to sue the Dominant Cause Partnership (DCP), as in the course of the contract formed between Ethel and the Dominant Cause Partnership, it was mentioned by Ethel that what kind of glasses she need for the purpose of protecting her paintings and she also talk about the nature of her painting and the kind of exhibition she would like to made. The representative of the company DCP assured Ethel that they will make the in such a manner that there shall be no scope for any damage to her painting by way of sunlight as they will specify superior quality of modern glasses which will offer her paintings a greater perspective as to protection from sunlight, but the company DCP has not complied their obligation in this regard as after constructing the house Ethel realize that the they specified was not up to the mark and it was not matching such quality as per the description made by the representative of DCP, they has prescribed some other kind of glass material dissimilar to her requirement and the term of the contract. For that purpose Ethel could have suffer from the loss of damage to her valuable paintings apart from that though the paintings has not been damaged yet before that it came to the knowledge of Ethel, but the DCP has violated the condition of the contract as well as Ethel have to bear the cost of change the fitted glass prescribed by the DCP. Hence, the liability lies upon the company that is Dominant Causes Partners. Because of their misconduct Ethel have to incur an additional expense for the purpose of changing the glass. So, Ethel has the right to reimburse all the expenditures in relation to change the wall glasses prescribed by the DCP. Though the cost of changing the glasses is higher than the actual cost of the paintings but in course of the contract there were nothing mentioned regarding the painting except the factors which may damage the painting and the protection of the painting that is the quality glasses for wall, which were the main subject matter of the breach of contract (Ellinghaus, 2007). For that purpose DCP have to bear the expenses in relation to change the wrong glasses which were fitted due to misconduct from the part of the DCP. If DCP have perfectly discharged his duty in the course of the contract in issue then Ethel would not have to change the glasses as well as the terms of the contract woul d not have been violated. In the case of Koufos v Czarnikow LtdorThe Heron II, it was observed by the Ld. Court that the plaintiff is entitled to get all the loss suffered due to the breach of contract or due to the negligence from the part of the defendant or due to any misconduct from the part of the defendant in the course of the contract, but loss of any anticipatory income is not permitted to be reimbursed by the plaintiff (Poole, 2006). 3 (b): Under the mentioned circumstances, Ethel is entitled to get compensation from the Dominant Causes Partners (DCP), as the company DCP has violated the right of Ethel in the course of the contract, not only that the company DCP has not performed their duty with due diligence in accordance with the terms of the contract for that reason Ethel not only have to incur the expenses for changing the glasses she has harassed, her legal right has been infringed and there was a possibility of causing damage to her painting. Because of that DCP is liable not only to pay the amount of loss in relation to change the glasses but also to pay damages in this regard. Generally in a situation like this the court awards liquidated damages as the cost of changing the glasses are estimated as well as if the painting would have been damaged the cost of which is also calculable, so, there is maximum possibility of awarding liquidated damages in this regard. In the case of Jackson v Royal Bank of Scotland, th e court of law with competent jurisdiction has observed that if the legal right of any party to a contract is violated in the course of the contract then the other party who is responsible for such violation is responsible to pay compensation to the aggrieved party of the contract in issue along with all the loss suffered by the aggrieved party (Kovac, 2011;, 2015). In the case of Williams v Roffey Bros, it was observed by the court of law, that in case of a breach of contact if the right of either of the party is infringed by the other party in relation to the contract then the aggrieved party is entitled to be compensated by the party to the contract who has infringed such right whether deliberately or not, but if the right has been infringed due to any natural consequences and the things were beyond control of the parties to the contract then neither of the party is liable for payment of any sought of damages (Williams v Roffey Bros, [1990]). In the mentioned case of Ethel, here the right of Ethel has been infringed by the Dominant Causing Partners, so it is not essential that whether it has been done intentionally or not, the main issue is that the right of Ethel has been infringed by the misconduct and improper discharge of duty from the part of the Dominant Causes Partners and there were no scope of natural disaster in such violation of ri ght (Stone, 2007; Baird, 2007). References Baird, D. (2007).Economics of contract law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Beale, H. (2010).Cases, materials and text on contract law. Oxford [England]: Hart Pub. Beale, H. and Tallon, D. (2002).Contract law. Oxford [England]: Hart Pub. Bechor, G. (2007).The Sanhuri Code, and the emergence of modern Arab civil law (1932 to 1949). Leiden: Brill. Carter, J. (2012).Carter's breach of contract. Oxford: Hart Pub. Christ water technology subsidiary awarded UAE contract. (2007).Membrane Technology, 2007(10), p.6. Cohen, N. and McKendrick, E. (2005).Comparative remedies for breach of contract. Oxford: Hart. Company, A. (2015).TERMINATING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR CONVENIENCE IN THE UAE - Al Tamimi Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Mar. 2015]. Ellinghaus, M. (2007).Australian cases on contract. [Melbourne, Vic.?]: Code Press. Elliott, C. and Quinn, F. (2007).Contract law. Harlow: Pearson Longman. Fattal, R. and Schutz, R. (2008).La re siliation unilate rale du contrat. [S.l.]: [s.n.]. Fattal, R. and Schutz, R. (2008).La re siliation unilate rale du contrat. [S.l.]: [s.n.]. Fitzpatrick, A. (2004).The judicial system. Mankato, Minn.: Creative Education. Frey, M. and Frey, P. (2001).Essentials of contract law. Albany, NY: West/Thomson Learning. Geest, G. (2011).Contract law and economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Grundmann, S. (2007). Regulating Breach of Contract The Right to Reject Performance by the Party in Breach.European Review of Contract Law, 3(2). Hillman, R. (1997).The richness of contract law. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Knight, J. and Satchell, S. (2007).Forecasting volatility in the financial markets. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Kovac, M. (2011).Comparative contract law and economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar., (2015).Lexology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Mar. 2015]. McKendrick, E. (2007).Contract law. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Meyer, L. (2010).Non-performance and remedies under international contract law principles and Indian contract law. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang. Poole, J. (2006).Casebook on contract law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Richards, P. (2006).Law of contract. Harlow, England: Pearson Longman. Stone, R. (2007).Contract law. Milton Park, Abingdon, UK: Routledge-Cavendish. Stone, R. and Cunnington, R. (2007).Text, cases and materials on contract law. London: Routledge-Cavendish. Suez environment awarded contract in UAE. (2008).Membrane Technology, 2008(1), pp.5-6. Williams v Roffey Bros[1990].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The use of narrative in film Essay Example For Students

The use of narrative in film Essay The use of Narrative in film and other forms of media is commonplace; it has become such that the media viewer has not only come to expect it but rely on it somewhat. There are two elements in narrative film today that combine in the engaging of the audience; story and production elements. One example in the Australian film industry of the use of production and story elements in such a way as to engage the audiences attention is the film Two Hands. The film Two Hands was directed in 1999 by Gregor Jordan, a then virtual nobody. The film boasts an all-Australian cast and is full of Australian humor and irony. It is a film that was loved by critics and the public alike and has been affectionately dubbed The Australian answer to Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. The film isnt your standard linear narrative in the sense that the beginning, middle and end dont necessarily go in that order. We will write a custom essay on The use of narrative in film specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the film the lead character Jim (Heath Ledger) gets himself mixed up with Pando (Brian Brown) and his gang of Kings Cross thugs when $10,000 of Pandos money goes missing, money that Jim had been given to deliver. Jim is then forced to rob a bank in a desperate attempt to replace Pandos money however he still manages to fall in love with the sister of one of his friends, Alex (Rose Byrne). The opening sequence to the film establishes through both Production and story elements the following:By showing us the characters of Pando and his gang in what appears to be a secluded section of scrub late at night, holding a bloodied and bruised Jim at gun point sets the scene for the genre of film we are about to see. The lighting, more accurately the lack of proper lighting, further implies that the people we are seeing arent your average clean-cut businessmen; as the majority of this lighting is being provided by a handheld flashlight. The dialogue in this scene is the most helpful in terms of establishing the storylines and grabbing the attention of the viewer. We learn that Jim owes Pando $10,000 for which he will soon be killed, we learn that Jim will give Pando $15.000 if he lets him go (â€Å"Im doing a job tomorrow. Let me go and Ill give you 15), we learn that Pando is willing to give Jim a chance by letting him try 013, and that Pando really doesnt want to have to kill him but it seems like he has little choice (sorry Jimmy). The next section of the opening sequence takes us back to what is seemingly the beginning of the film, to the heart of Kings Cross. Jim is standing out the front of a strip joint with a friend of his. It seems the two are employed by the club to entice male passer-buyers into the club. Through their dialogue the viewer can deduce that Jim intends on doing some work for someone name Pando, who incidentally is someone you dont want to get mixed up with. The viewer may also conclude that Jim is unhappy with his current line of work and wishes to move up through the Kings Cross ‘hierarchy, so to speak, by doing this job. During this scene Jims relationship with Pando and Alex are established, or re-established in the case of Pando. Jims first impressions of Alex, an Alexs first impressions of Jim are evident through the production elements involved. Through the use of cuts between and the visual composition of the shots of the pair it is shown to the viewer that these two fancy each other at first glance. The shots cut from a shot of Alex looking at Jim then looking away when Jim notices, to a shot of Jim looking at Alex and giving a smile when he realizes she was looking at him. For the most part of the establishment of their relationship they will be on opposite sides of the screen to each other when filmed in close up. When this is used and with cuts between the two, the viewer is able to further associate them as a couple. .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .postImageUrl , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:hover , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:visited , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:active { border:0!important; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:active , .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52 .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u967eee286c26f9b275d2581508560c52:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Salem Witch Trials Essay PaperAdversely when Jim meets Pando in this scene the emphasis is on how different they both are to each other. Pandos car, the first time we see him in The Cross, slowly moves past the camera stopping at the front passenger seat window to the sound of heavy metal music. The camera is low down, looking up at the face of Pando who slightly pauses for effect before speaking. Jim moves toward the car and bends respectfully to speak into the open window. The sounds we can hear are those of the running engine when Pando first arrives and the conversation between he and Pando afterwards. Through introducing the viewer to the characters of Pando and Jim and the idea of the missing $10,000 it not only interests the viewer in watching on in order to find out what happens to Jim or how he got into the situation in the first place, it effectively gives more meaning to the following scene. The events of the following sequence are intended to further interest the viewer into watching the remainder of the film. The main contributor to this is the storyline elements yet to be resolved/further explored. The closing sequence, for the purpose of this essay can be said to be from the time Jim walks through the corridor into Pando’s office until the credits. A lot of the closing sequence is directly linked to the opening sequence in such a way that unless the middle has been left out a lot of the imagery goes unnoticed. The most obvious example of imagery in this sequence is the angle at which the camera is looking at Jim when he walks into the corridor leading into Pando’s office. The camera is on the floor looking up at Jim as he walks giving him a look of height and of being in a position of power. This is a direct contradiction to the opening sequence in which Jim is being held at gunpoint and the camera is looking up at Pando who is clearly in the position of authority. Jim, having gotten the money is now in the position that the viewer has been anticipating the whole movie. Another feature of this particular scene that conjures up the image of power and control is the music playing in the background. The music is loud, brassy, big-band-type music and it is such that it adds to the effect that the camera work is providing. Once in the office Jim is instantly pounced upon by Pando’s men. The following minute or so is a struggle between Jim and Acko, one of Pando’s men. In the struggle Jim is trying to get the $10,000 from down the front of his pants while Acko is trying to strangle Jim with the cord from the telephone. The scene consists of numerous almost instantaneous cuts between the faces of Jim, Acko, Pando and the rest of his gang. This scene is quick and is a prime example of production elements being used to draw the viewer into the film. After Jim has returned the money not only have the attitudes of Pando and his men completely been reversed, but all of the storyline elements from the opening sequence that were left unanswered have now been explored if not resolved. The next scene, the scene after Jim returns to his apartment and is seen at the airport with Alex is another example of storyline elements being resolved. The way in which the pair were portrayed in the Kings Cross scene implied that their relationship in the film would be more than just friends. The assumptions from the scene in the cross made by the viewer have been developed as the movie progressed. .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .postImageUrl , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:hover , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:visited , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:active { border:0!important; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:active , .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768 .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub6748e33966353b89fb594b335737768:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pop Culture WarsReligion The Role of Enterta EssayTo conclude I would simply like to add that all the things I have been talking about have been purposefully put into the film. None of these things have been done so accidentally as it was the Director, Gregor Jordan’s intention to make the viewer more interested through incorporating the aforementioned combination of Production and Story elements. Bibliography:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on S. E. Hinton

Biography S.E. Hinton, was and still is, one of the most popular and best known writers of young adult fiction. Her books have been taught in some schools, and banned from others. Her novels changed the way people look at young adult literature. Susan Eloise Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has always enjoyed reading but wasn't satisfied with the literature that was being written for young adults, which influenced her to write novels like The Outsiders. That book, her first novel, was published in 1967 by Viking. Once published, The Outsiders gave her a lot of publicity and fame, and also a lot of pressure. S.E. Hinton was becoming known as "The Voice of the Youth" among other titles. This kind of pressure and publicity resulted in a three year long writer's block. Her boyfriend (and now, her husband),who had gotten sick of her being depressed all the time, eventually broke this block. He made her write two pages a day if she wanted to go anywhere. This eventually led to That Was Then, This Is Now. Biography continued That Was Then, This Is Now is known to be a much more well thought out book than The Outsiders. Because she read a lot of great literature and wanted to better herself, she made sure that she wrote each sentence exactly right. She continued to write her two pages a day until she finally felt it was finished in the summer of 1970, she got married a few months later. That Was Then, This is Now was published in 1971. I'm a very private person, and I'm very uncomfortable talking about my personal life, but a few facts: My hobby is horse-back riding; I've shown both jumping and dressage. I read constantly, and occasionally take a class at the university not for credit - it's more fun when you don't have to take the tests! A writer's life is not very exciting - usually your alone in a room with your tools - paper, pen, imagination. (I usually write long-hand first, then put it on a computer.) I walk... Free Essays on S. E. Hinton Free Essays on S. E. Hinton Biography S.E. Hinton, was and still is, one of the most popular and best known writers of young adult fiction. Her books have been taught in some schools, and banned from others. Her novels changed the way people look at young adult literature. Susan Eloise Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has always enjoyed reading but wasn't satisfied with the literature that was being written for young adults, which influenced her to write novels like The Outsiders. That book, her first novel, was published in 1967 by Viking. Once published, The Outsiders gave her a lot of publicity and fame, and also a lot of pressure. S.E. Hinton was becoming known as "The Voice of the Youth" among other titles. This kind of pressure and publicity resulted in a three year long writer's block. Her boyfriend (and now, her husband),who had gotten sick of her being depressed all the time, eventually broke this block. He made her write two pages a day if she wanted to go anywhere. This eventually led to That Was Then, This Is Now. Biography continued That Was Then, This Is Now is known to be a much more well thought out book than The Outsiders. Because she read a lot of great literature and wanted to better herself, she made sure that she wrote each sentence exactly right. She continued to write her two pages a day until she finally felt it was finished in the summer of 1970, she got married a few months later. That Was Then, This is Now was published in 1971. I'm a very private person, and I'm very uncomfortable talking about my personal life, but a few facts: My hobby is horse-back riding; I've shown both jumping and dressage. I read constantly, and occasionally take a class at the university not for credit - it's more fun when you don't have to take the tests! A writer's life is not very exciting - usually your alone in a room with your tools - paper, pen, imagination. (I usually write long-hand first, then put it on a computer.) I walk...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Success in social commerce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Success in social commerce - Research Paper Example This radical change in the global business environment has been observed due to the immense development and incorporation of ‘Information and Communication Technology (ICT) within the organizational processes. The integration of ICTs in the organizational processes has been considerably facilitating the modern organizations to emphasize considerable changes that further enables then to increase their business performances at large (Phan, 2003). Emphasizing upon the immense usage of the social commerce, the primary objective of this paper is to identify the major commercial success of the modern marketers through the integration of social media in their business processes. With this regard, the discussion of this report will also be focused on highlighting various successive factors of social commerce and their drawbacks which can radically change the overall functions of the organizations. II. Dimensions of Social Commerce In general, the term social commerce can be defined as the subset of e-commerce which tends to employ social media within the organizational processes ensuring enhancement of the efficiency and credibility within the growing business environment. Moreover, the notion of social commerce is duly practiced by the modern marketers to render adequate shopping experience to their potential customers and remain them within the organizational offerings. The process is further regarded as one of the effective and widely used online solution tools for the modern marketers in terms of promoting their broad array of products or services to extended group global customers (Marsden, 2010). Social commerce generally constitutes various major dimensions that comprise social shopping, rating along with reviews, recommendation as well as referrals, communities and forums, social media optimization and social ads and applications (Marsden, 2010). All these dimensions relating to social commerce plays a decisive part for the modern organizations which aids them to monetize their business practices through reinforcing sales and accumulating large groups of potential customers at large (Social Commerce Today, 2012). The different dimensions linked with social commerce have been described hereunder. Dimensions of Social Commerce II. I. Social Shopping The facet of social shopping can be considered as one of the effective dimensions of social commerce that allows the customers to share the experience of online purchasing in an effective manner (Marsden, 2010). The dimension significantly includes certain different models that have depicted hereunder. II. I. a. Group Buying The group buying process in the social shopping dimension enables the users to utilize their buying power in terms of purchasing together. In this process, the users significantly obtain better value of purchasing products or services frequently through involving buyers from different social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook among others. In relation to the pres ent day context, the companies like Dell Swarm, Adidas and Intel Fan Plan among others are well known for using the strategy of selling their products in a bulk to a group of customers (Marsde